
Semisonic closing time mp3
Semisonic closing time mp3

semisonic closing time mp3

(You unlock Sheol and the Cathedral by beating Mom's Heart 10 times but can go to Sheol with a deal with the devil or the Cathedral on a deal with the Angel by either going down a floor or going into the light respectively.)Įnding 14 requires you to defeat Blue Baby on the chest.Įnding 15 requires you to defeat The Lamb on the Dark Room. Ending 16 (defeating Mega Satan) is not required.Įndings 1-11 require you to defeat Mom's Heart 11 times in the Womb 2 or Utero 2 which is unlocked by defeating Mom once.Įnding 12 requires you to defeat Satan in Sheol.Įnding 13 requires you to defeat Isaac in the Cathedral. This achievement requires you to unlock endings 1-15.

Semisonic closing time mp3